I have been very horrible about posting on here lately, and I promise to soon get pictures up here from the wedding and honeymoon! I am attaching one of Eric and I in front of the castle at Magic Kingdom, but I'm afraid that's all I have for now. We've been very busy at home trying to get the house looking nice, and while Eric's been out of town, I've been trying to hang pictures and put flowers out, etc. I have to brag that I put together this 6 foot bookshelf yesterday all by myself. That may not sound like a big feat to anyone else, but it was much harder than you would think. It took Eric and I half of Saturday to figure out the first one (we have 3 altogether), so I never thought I'd be able to get the whole thing done alone. I'll have to post a picture of them when we've finished the third one. Well I promise to try and be better about writing. Hope everyone is well!