About Me

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Nashville, Tennessee, United States
I live in Nashville, but originally from NC. I love books, movies, shopping and dogs, to name a few. You'll find I'm not the best at keeping up with my blog, but I have good intentions! I like to share pictures and stories with anyone who feels like reading this.

Monday, September 10, 2007


First of all, here is the only picture Eric and I took in Detroit over July 4. This is at the zoo. I'll have to post some pictures of the donkey there, too, it was so funny! Many of you probably know about my fascination with donkeys, others not so much. I just think they are so cute and I pass 3 every day on my way to and from work. They make me smile! HAHA Anywho, on to the point of this post.................I have been dealing with a lot of change lately. I've started hanging out with a few different people than normal, which has been great, and not spending near as much time with others. I have a couple of friends who are pregnant, and one in particular is so different now. At first, everything was about her pregnancy. She would even cancel on me every single time we made plans, always having something to do with that. I have talked to her about how I feel like we're not even friends anymore, and she is making an effort, but it just opened my eyes to the inevitable: that life changes. And good for her, I'm very happy for her! I think part of it is that I got married a lot later than most of my friends and they've all already moved on to having kids. I'm just now getting to enjoy being married, and somehow feel behind. I'm not, and we're definitely not in any hurry to have children, but I just hate that your relationships with friends have to change because of things like that. I think the best time for friendship is high school and college, when you're all in the same lifestage and can relate to one another 100%. You have all the same issues and concerns. After that we all separate and go all kinds of different ways. You still have friends, but not at that same depth. You talk about more shallow things, or try really hard to put yourself in the other person's position, but when you've never been there yourself, it's difficult to do that. Of course, I've encountered the same thing on the other side of the spectrum. I have some single friends who think I can't relate to them because I'm now married. But hey, it wasn't that long ago that I wasn't and I can certainly relate to being lonely and ready to settle down. I'm blabbing on, but the moral of the story is just try to maintain your friendships, even if it's harder when you get older and everything starts changing. I hope all my friends know how much I care about them, wherever they are. Eric and I don't have too many good friends here, so we are very glad to have each other. He has been such a comfort to me lately when I've been upset about this. I thank the Lord every day that I have a husband and a friend all wrapped up in one. Ok, well quit reading this and go call someone you haven't talked to in a while!=)