I'm just writing because I feel like it today! FYI, I now have an account on Myspace and Facebook, so for any pictures/updates that I may leave out on my blog, you can look there, too. This picture is of my new haircut, courtesy of Amanda (my friend who did my hair and makeup for the wedding as well), and I took this picture myself as I was driving. What can I say, defensive driver, right? HAHA Seriously, I think I was stopped when I took it, but I had all of a sudden remembered I was supposed to take a picture and send it to my mom, so I just did it right then! I'm crazy. Eric and I are about to go to Memphis this weekend and I'm finally taking him to Boone the weekend after that! I'm so excited and will definitely put some pictures on here after those trips take place. Then previous to and during Thanksgiving, we're going to California!!!! Both of us are already mentally there, so I'm sure I'll be talking about it for the next month! I'm so excited! Otherwise, things are normal for us, Eric travelling, both of us working a lot, doing things around the house. I need to put an updated pic of that on here, too. Basically, I need to get the camera out, don't I? I also need to take some pictures of me after losing 15 pounds, woo hoo! I wasn't too good last week with my eating and exercising, but hopefully I can lose a little more, but I'm holding even right now. But I'll take that!=) Ok, well hopefully talk to everyone soon, I miss so many of you!