About Me

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Nashville, Tennessee, United States
I live in Nashville, but originally from NC. I love books, movies, shopping and dogs, to name a few. You'll find I'm not the best at keeping up with my blog, but I have good intentions! I like to share pictures and stories with anyone who feels like reading this.

Thursday, August 24, 2006


God is teaching me a lot this morning. I tend to want to get everything together and planned out all at the same time, and not everyone is like that. I am trying to learn to take everything one step at a time. I need to be more patient, more loving, more understanding, more communicative, more sensitive and more unselfish. That's not too much to ask, is it?=) Well everyone can pray for me that I can be all those things and more with God's help. I can't do it on my own!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Houses and Pictures, Etc.

Here are some pictures from Chicago: one of me looking happier than I'm sure I was at the time in the heat, one of Eric looking very upset because they took his candy away from him (we went to the Hershey store and then they wouldn't let us take food into the festival), one from the ferris wheel that I took while Eric was trying to propose, and one of us they took before we got on it at Navy Pier. We didn't have any good ones of us after the fact, and our camera doesn't appear to want to take a clear picture of my ring, so everyone will just have to see it in person! Other than that, we still haven't made any wedding plans yet, but we'll be setting the date soon and I'll update everyone. We've been looking at houses, which has been a blast, and we're actually thinking about making an offer on one we really love. It's kind of out of the way, south of where I live now, which is already south of everything else in the city. So we'll see. Not much else to report at the moment. My parents just sold their house and I'll be helping pack while I'm home for Labor Day, but if anyone wants to get together, I'll be in Charlotte! I'll probably drive there on Friday and leave Tuesday.

Thursday, August 10, 2006


Well, the girl I was talking about 2 posts ago finally got fired, yay!!!! We will be shorthanded for a while and that might make us a bit crazed, but it's better than having to fix someone's mistakes, right? It took a lot of effort and documentation to get her out of here, but at least they listened to us. Maybe it's not so bad here after all. I am attaching some pictures from Lolla......I don't have all of them yet, but these are just a few of us. The ones on the Ferris Wheel looked horrible, so I will scan in the one they took of us before we got on it. More to come........these are after 3 days in the sun, so if I look a little red to you, you're not imagining it. I was burnt and very hot!!!! Forgive my brother for being shirtless, but that's his style as often as he can get away with it. I hadn't seen him in 10 months!! And the one of me was self-taken, thank you very much.=) Well enjoy and I'll be posting more in the next week or so. Thank you to everyone who gave us their congratulations. We're so excited!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

We're Engaged!!!!!

Anyone who knows me knows I've been waiting for this day for quite a while! I first of all would like to say I sincerely apologize for not being able to tell everyone this over the phone or in person, but that takes a lot of time I unfortunately do not have. So if this is new news to you, I am sorry I didn't call you to tell you personally.=(=( Eric and I went to Chicago this weekend for Lollapalooza and also got to see my brother, who should be getting his orders any day now. Lollapalooza was about 3 times bigger than it was last year, felt like Woodstock or something, so we didn't spend all day every day there...........that would have made us insane!!! We did a few museums and the Sears Tower, etc. to get a break from all that and to do some touristy stuff. Saturday we walked to the Navy Pier, which is a really cool place and Eric proposed on the Ferris Wheel. I was of course trying to take pictures and not paying attention, so when I looked over at him, he was down on one knee (this wasn't a rickety ferris wheel or anything, it was a sturdy cart, so don't worry), LOL, with the ring in his hand. He had been carrying it around all day in his pocket!! I just said "what are you doing?" because I didn't see the ring at first and then I just squealed and hugged him. It took me a while to say yes, HAHA, but I did! And then I cried a little bit once it sank in. I had no idea that was coming, so it was a very nice surprise! The wedding will be in the Spring sometime, but no date yet, no plans yet. Just enjoying the moment right now. Thought you'd all like to know and I'll do another post with some pictures from this past weekend once we get them on the computer. Love all you guys and talk soon!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Scrapbooking and Stupid Jobs

I have been told I start all my blogs the same way. So today I am not doing that! It's been a while, and I'm getting ready to go to Chicago, yay!!!!, so it will probably be a while before I write again. Today I would like to address 2 very different subjects. First of all, I have discovered scrapbooking. Maybe this means I'm getting older, who knows, but I love it! A friend from work, her sister and I get together every Monday, make a mess of all our stuff all over the table, and have so much fun! Of course, my attempts at being artsy and crafty are meager at best, but the love that's going into it will make it look alright! (that's what I tell myself) On a different note, why is it that employers don't fire people they should and fire the people who probably didn't really do much??!!! There is a girl in my department who is totally incompetent, has been working with us for 7 months and doesn't know anything she didn't know before. She is lazy and doesn't even try to learn anything. I thought for sure after we finally got the guts to tell on her for all the stuff she does (or doesn't do), she'd be out of there, but no, they put her on probation! We'll see how that goes, but I think it's time to start looking elsewhere. A company that cannot see when someone needs to go is not a company I want to work for. So to sum up: scrapbooking is fun and work is not. HAHA