About Me

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Nashville, Tennessee, United States
I live in Nashville, but originally from NC. I love books, movies, shopping and dogs, to name a few. You'll find I'm not the best at keeping up with my blog, but I have good intentions! I like to share pictures and stories with anyone who feels like reading this.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

RUDE people

I am currently at work and just completely miffed by this speaker right now. We got his lead a long time ago and this girl who doesn't work anymore started asking him what subject he wanted to speak on, got his resume, etc., but never told him we definitely wanted to bring him on. He called me to follow up, so I took a look at his file and he is not licensed or certified. He does have a Ph.D., but it's in a field that doesn't really apply to what we do and we have certain qualifications you must meet, like being licensed or certified. Well he told me that was ridiculous because he's spoken for so many years for all these other companies and I said other companies have different qualifications. He emailed me again wanting my supervisor's phone number and asked me how long I'd been doing this. Hello, buddy! This is a job application and this is how you're talking to a potential employer?! I cannot believe that. So my supervisor, Jennifer, said she is going to have fun emailing him. He'll probably call her, too, but she said she's going to put him in his place. Makes me feel better, but people never cease to amaze me. This guy's from Michigan, too, so I really wanted to like him, but hey, not everyone from MI is cool, obviously. I am so worked up and need to calm down! Don't you wish you could just cuss somebody out, but you can't, because that's not "professional?" I hate having to be professional sometimes, HAHA. Whew! I feel better already now that I've vented.................

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


I'm so bad, not updating this.......no new pictures. What can I say? I got a promotion at work at the beginning of July, so that's been taking a lot of my time and then just doing stuff around the house, etc. Time seems to have been flying by! I do admit that I update my Myspace page a bit more than this. I had initially started this because I didn't want to do Myspace, but then I decided I wanted to try to find some friends from high school. So if you want a little more info on me or want to see a few more wedding pictures, you can go to www.myspace.com/aj51280. Or if you search by name, make sure you search by Amanda Williams, not Hazlegrove. Since I wrote last time, Eric and I went to Detroit over July 4th and that was a lot of fun. Hopefully my parents and possibly my sister are coming out here for Labor Day, so we'll have our first official houseguests! I'm really excited. In other news, I just have to share this story. We had a cat that was always hanging around the construction sites on our street. We both wanted to feed him, but we knew if we did, he would never leave, so we chose not to. Eric even said if we weren't allergic to cats, we could take him in, which cracks me up, because neither of us are really cat people. But it was black and white and so cute. Well I woke up Sunday morning and looked out in the backyard, and there was something black and white lying on the grass and a wild turkey was pecking at it. Yes, sure enough, the poor little cat chose to die in our backyard! It didn't look like it had been attacked or anything, so maybe it ate something toxic at one of the contruction sites. We had to pick it up and get rid of it since it was in our yard, which wasn't fun, but at least it hadn't been there a long time. We both were sad, though, that maybe we could've helped him and didn't, but I guess that's the nature of things, right? Anyway, just a little glimpse of our day-to-day lives lately, HA!