About Me

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Nashville, Tennessee, United States
I live in Nashville, but originally from NC. I love books, movies, shopping and dogs, to name a few. You'll find I'm not the best at keeping up with my blog, but I have good intentions! I like to share pictures and stories with anyone who feels like reading this.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

First Anniversary

So it's again been too long since I've written! I just don't seem to have time anymore......work comes in phases, and it's been a busy one! Eric and I just celebrated our first anniversary on the 14th, which was very exciting. The year has absolutely flown! To think we've been in our house a year, married a year, it's just crazy to me. I'm an idiot who didn't get a picture of herself and her husband on their anniversary, but I did take pictures of the beautiful hot pink roses he gave me! HAHA Priorities, right! So enjoy the beauty of those, and I've also attached a couple from my last-minute trip to Long Beach, CA, for the annual American Occupational Therapy Association conference, where we were an exhibitor. The sales guy from the company couldn't go at the last minute, so I went with our marketing manager. It was fun and such nice weather, but the traveling was horrendous. I heard some DJ's on the radio this morning talking about how flying is now a huge process no matter what, and that has certainly been the case for me the last two trips I've taken. I still need to put pictures up from our Salt Lake trip when we flew the "hated by Amanda" hairline, Frontier. This time our American flights were cancelled and they booked us on Frontier instead, of course, after I told Frontier I would NEVER fly with them again, HAHA. It was business, though, couldn't really help it. They have the worst flight attendants I think I've ever encountered, with the exception of maybe KLM, who we endearingly dubbed the Nazis. I think when you go to flight school, whether you're a pilot or a flight attendant or a counter rep or whatever, they need to incorporate an entire segment to good customer service. Whew! Well enjoy the flowers and these pictures from Long Beach are of the lighthouse and then 2 pics from my hotel room window, if you can't tell by the glare.=)

1 comment:

podso said...

woo hoo ! Happy Annivesary! A whole year, hard to believe! The roses are gorgeous! So sorry about the headaches... :-(