I am now convinced I want to rescue a retired greyhound. Eric's cousin, Amanda, rescued one, and he is my new favorite dog!! He is so laid back and chill, and is just the most beautiful thing ever! I'm attaching a couple of pictures, one where he has his nose in the cupholder on her chair, and the other is Jack literally in Amanda's lap because people were setting off fireworks in the daytime (stupid) and he was scared. The next pictures of a greyhound you will see on here will be my greyhound!
The other couple of pictures are teasers from Niagara Falls, taken on my cell phone. I have really great ones on the camera, but haven't put them on here yet. I will, though! And enjoy the one of Eric relaxing on the float, although it was lying on the grass, at his aunt and uncle's house by the lake on July 4th. He looks like a little kid here having too much fun, which basically sums up most of our time together. We're just big kids!