About Me

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Nashville, Tennessee, United States
I live in Nashville, but originally from NC. I love books, movies, shopping and dogs, to name a few. You'll find I'm not the best at keeping up with my blog, but I have good intentions! I like to share pictures and stories with anyone who feels like reading this.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tyson and Boston

Clint and the nephew came to visit and we'll probably see them a lot (or at least I hope we do!) this weekend for Labor Day because the rest of the family's coming to town! Yay! We're going to a Jonny Lang concert, which I am so stoked about, and I'll try to put some pictures of our weekend on here next week. I exhibited for the company at a huge convention in Boston a couple of weeks ago, and I've totally found the next place I want to live (which is good, since we'll probably have to move there for Eric's work anyway)! Here's a pic of the crazy weird-looking skyline our last night there, our booth at the convention, which took us FOUR HOURS to set up, believe it or not, and a chapel on the Harvard campus. We were total dorks and had to go see Harvard and get a sweatshirt.=)=) It is so beautiful (Cambridge and Boston, really) and it is a big city without the big city, overwhelming kind of atmosphere. All these pics were taken on my phone, so they're not the best ever, but wanted to share these with you!

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