About Me

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Nashville, Tennessee, United States
I live in Nashville, but originally from NC. I love books, movies, shopping and dogs, to name a few. You'll find I'm not the best at keeping up with my blog, but I have good intentions! I like to share pictures and stories with anyone who feels like reading this.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

Hello all! I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! As usual, I don't have pictures transferred to the computer yet from the camera, so here are some pics from my phone. And as usual again, most of the pics I take on my phone are of dogs. HAHA! But hey, I am such a dog lover, what can I say? We had a wonderful Christmas with Mom and Dad coming into town and Clint and Tyson staying with us as well. Tyson was neutered on the 23rd, so we tried (and we really tried) to spend the majority of the holidays trying to keep him calm so he wouldn't open up his stitches. Try to keep a 7-month-old, 50-lb. puppy from roughhousing and playing..............yeah, right. And he's so strong now, not to mention stubborn. It was fun to have a full house, though! We definitely missed having Sarah there with us, but we talked with her on the phone often, so it was kind of like she was there. Here are some pictures of our doggie friends: Tyson sleeping after surgery and then watching a Christmas Story on tv (he likes tv), and then both he and Freddie (one of Eric's parents' dogs) playing with new Christmas toys!!!! I'll post more of the people in my life soon, I promise!

Friday, December 12, 2008


Well I'm the world's worst slacker of a blogger, I know. I spend more time reading other people's blogs instead of writing my own. Unfortunately for you guys, my life is quite consistent and normal and pleasant, so I never have much to write about! Actually, that's totally not true, there are at least a few things I could rant and rave about, but it's the same stuff everyone who reads this hears me say all the time anyway, and let's just say some things I really shouldn't put in writing! HA! There is such a thing as google, and I really can't have my thoughts on some issues getting into the wrong hands. I do want to share that I read a blog post the other day that just put a smile on my face because for the first time in a while, I felt like someone else out there can relate to how I feel! Mabel's House is where the post came from, and the gal who writes it is very quirky and funny. She had a post about baby names and how you should NEVER give your opinion or probably even ask about other people's baby names (SOOOO true, by the way). It came up in her post that she and her husband have not quite decided if they want to have kids or not, and she's of the age where everyone is asking and probing and giving her their opinion on the matter, especially because most of her friends her age have already hopped on that bus, or whatever the saying is.
WARNING: If you are a sensitive person, do not read any further.

I am so much in the same place, it's not even funny. I feel like my life these days has become only about defending my right to my own decisions, and even my right to privacy. I'm working on "the Rebuttal to end all Inquiries," and I might just say I'm infertile! I don't think a lot of people realize how absolutely RUDE it is to ask when you're going to have kids, and why haven't you yet, and you better hurry up before you get too old, etc. Or even worse, when you say you're not sure if you want kids or not, they look at you as if you just said, "I eat small children for breakfast," or something. How dare I even ponder if I want kids or not? Do I not have a maternal instinct? Isn't my clock just tick tick ticking away! Honestly, no! It's not! I haven't even been married 2 years yet, I'm only 28, all (and I mean ALL) of our friends are having children or have had them, so what's the rush? I have lots of other kids I can spend time with and then go home to my childless house. Well, I say childless, but Eric and I are truly still children at heart, we play board games and video games and play with toys half the time, we're definitely not feeling like we're getting old! I'm going to propose a challenge to everyone out there (the 2 people that read this, LOL) to see how long you can go without asking me, or any other childless people you may know, when we're having kids. Deciding to bring a child into this world is NOT a decision I take lightly. It's a lifetime commitment and this world just seems to get worse all the time......I'm just not sure I want to take that on. And if that makes me selfish, so be it, call me selfish. But think of it this way, asking us about our plans for children, etc., is basically like you coming up to me and asking me about my sex life. Or even to tell you all about my deep, dark secrets. It is a private thing between a husband and a wife and is just as important a decision as to who you'll marry, in my opinion!
Ok, I'm getting long-winded and probably very offensive, so I'll stop now about that. Hopefully you all can see where I'm coming from. I also wanted to write today so I could share with you the snow we had last night!!! It's such a rare thing here in Nashville, so of course all the schools closed and all the kids were outside playing, but it was only about an inch or two, but was on top of ice because it rained first. I took some better pics on my camera, but don't have those on the computer yet, so you'll have to settle for some from my cell phone. Also attached are the latest pics of Liam, my "adopted" nephew,=) and Tyson, my dog nephew. I'm going to be everyone's favorite aunt and spoil them rotten!
Until next time, when I promise to have a more delightful, charming, less defensive post.=)