About Me

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Nashville, Tennessee, United States
I live in Nashville, but originally from NC. I love books, movies, shopping and dogs, to name a few. You'll find I'm not the best at keeping up with my blog, but I have good intentions! I like to share pictures and stories with anyone who feels like reading this.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Sickness and Sadness

Well it's that time of year. Eric was sick, then I was sick, then he was sick again, now I'm sick again. And he hasn't even been home very much! Talk about how much it must really stink to fly all over the country with upper respiratory issues, I'm sure not pleasant. I'm going to Charlotte this weekend to visit with my aunt and grandmother, who will be town to visit my parents. If anyone reads this and wonders why I didn't call them, I have limited time with them anyway, so I pretty much am keeping it family this weekend, not to mention I still have a cold. It hasn't kept me from doing much here, as everyone is sick anyway, even all the babies I'm surrounded by, so I still get to play!=)
A week ago today we had some layoffs here at work. We were told there wouldn't be any, so it was a SHOCKER, to say the least, and they laid off 5 people, which is 10% of our small workforce here. One of them was a very good friend and a partner in crime (we have very much the same attitude about work), and she had been here longer than most of the managers, not to mention other employees. It's been so weird this week with her not being here, and everyone's been in a little bit of a funk, too. I know we'll keep in touch, but I was a little dependent on her for when I needed to vent or just talk out my thoughts before passing them along to others, if you know what I mean.=) I know God has a purpose for her and for the rest of us, and I'm just praying that He will show us what that is. Well I hope everyone has a lovely weekend and know that you are in my prayers, you know who you are. I leave you all with a picture of my favorite doggie, and my special lil' man friend, Liam, who has been sharing in all the sickness lately as well. Get better, little guy!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Pics from Destin and Christmas

Well, FINALLY here are the pictures I've been promising. All of them are on my facebook profile, so go there if you'd like to see the rest. These are just a select few from our trip to Destin with Matt and Heather, and then over Christmas when my parents were here and of course there's always a ton of Tyson.=) Not all that much going on lately, just my usual daily struggle to try and remember to thank the Lord I have a job. Eric and I both struggle in that area, but we continue to tell each other we are blessed to still be where we are, if that makes any sense. I won't say any more than that.=) Hope anyone who reads this is doing well!!!!