About Me

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Nashville, Tennessee, United States
I live in Nashville, but originally from NC. I love books, movies, shopping and dogs, to name a few. You'll find I'm not the best at keeping up with my blog, but I have good intentions! I like to share pictures and stories with anyone who feels like reading this.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Pics from Destin and Christmas

Well, FINALLY here are the pictures I've been promising. All of them are on my facebook profile, so go there if you'd like to see the rest. These are just a select few from our trip to Destin with Matt and Heather, and then over Christmas when my parents were here and of course there's always a ton of Tyson.=) Not all that much going on lately, just my usual daily struggle to try and remember to thank the Lord I have a job. Eric and I both struggle in that area, but we continue to tell each other we are blessed to still be where we are, if that makes any sense. I won't say any more than that.=) Hope anyone who reads this is doing well!!!!

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