About Me

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Nashville, Tennessee, United States
I live in Nashville, but originally from NC. I love books, movies, shopping and dogs, to name a few. You'll find I'm not the best at keeping up with my blog, but I have good intentions! I like to share pictures and stories with anyone who feels like reading this.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Ok, so this post is all about Maryland. I have all these pictures I want to share, so I'll do a couple posts about the places I've been lately. Eric and I met up with my parents and sister in Baltimore over Memorial Day to see my mom's side of the family. Mom and Dad have some good family pictures, but of course, I had to share the random ones. The first picture is very ridiculous, according to my mother and Eric, who were quick to point out my bangs blowing straight up in the wind. How dumb do I look? Oh well, just thought everyone would get a kick out of that. And please note my sister's lovely headband thingy..........she spent all day messing with that thing, HAHA. The second is of the coolest Barnes and Noble I've ever seen, and you know me, I've been in quite a few. This was an old power plant, so they actually only use the first 2 stories for the bookstore. This is the Inner Harbor, by the way. And last, but not least, Eric had his first true eating crabs experience, which was a blast! It's a serious process to eat an entire crab, using hammers and everything, and is so much fun! I'm anxious to go back just for some more of those! I'll write more soon about other trips, but this one was so much fun. The only thing missing was my dear brother.=( Until next time!

Monday, June 26, 2006

New Week

So I'm attempting to start a blog, even though the only writing like this I've ever done has been in a private journal, which I just don't have time for anymore. I figured this would be an easy way for everyone to keep up with me (if they so desire). I've been having a tough time lately with my current roommate situation and with work stressing me out, so this past weekend was such a break from that! We saw Nacho Libre, which was very random, and very funny. Just what I needed! We also went to Memphis (did the Zoo and ate some ribs and just walked around) with Glen and Tracy and had a blast there. I'll attempt to attach a picture or two of that, although as I joked with Eric, we're very bad at taking pictures of people when we go to the zoo. In other words, we don't. We only take pictures of the animals, LOL. I could seriously make a scrapbook of zoo animals between the pics from last time and from this one. It is an awesome zoo, though, and I recommend it to everyone! The pandas are my favorite. Well, I promise to be more interesting next time, but just thought I'd introduce my new blog with some fun animals and some random thoughts!