About Me

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Nashville, Tennessee, United States
I live in Nashville, but originally from NC. I love books, movies, shopping and dogs, to name a few. You'll find I'm not the best at keeping up with my blog, but I have good intentions! I like to share pictures and stories with anyone who feels like reading this.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

We're Engaged!!!!!

Anyone who knows me knows I've been waiting for this day for quite a while! I first of all would like to say I sincerely apologize for not being able to tell everyone this over the phone or in person, but that takes a lot of time I unfortunately do not have. So if this is new news to you, I am sorry I didn't call you to tell you personally.=(=( Eric and I went to Chicago this weekend for Lollapalooza and also got to see my brother, who should be getting his orders any day now. Lollapalooza was about 3 times bigger than it was last year, felt like Woodstock or something, so we didn't spend all day every day there...........that would have made us insane!!! We did a few museums and the Sears Tower, etc. to get a break from all that and to do some touristy stuff. Saturday we walked to the Navy Pier, which is a really cool place and Eric proposed on the Ferris Wheel. I was of course trying to take pictures and not paying attention, so when I looked over at him, he was down on one knee (this wasn't a rickety ferris wheel or anything, it was a sturdy cart, so don't worry), LOL, with the ring in his hand. He had been carrying it around all day in his pocket!! I just said "what are you doing?" because I didn't see the ring at first and then I just squealed and hugged him. It took me a while to say yes, HAHA, but I did! And then I cried a little bit once it sank in. I had no idea that was coming, so it was a very nice surprise! The wedding will be in the Spring sometime, but no date yet, no plans yet. Just enjoying the moment right now. Thought you'd all like to know and I'll do another post with some pictures from this past weekend once we get them on the computer. Love all you guys and talk soon!


Anonymous said...

yay!!! I'm SOOO happy for y'all! :) We have to get together sometime soon .... we sure do miss y'all.
- Melanie

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness!! so so happy for you! i can't WAIT to see pictures! love you.

Anonymous said...

Just tried to call you AS SOON as I got this! NO ONE could be happier for you! I could just cry right now. Pictures better be up in less than a week. That's the rule on engagement pictures: must be posted within 7 days of announcement. = )
Can't wait to talk to you and hopefully SEE you soon!
Kristen (and Christopher and Elias!)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! About time.

May Your Union Always Be Blessed With Love.


Derek Conrad Brown said...

If you need someone to jump out of your cake just let me know, I'm running a discount for great friends :) jk

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! So very happy for you Roomie :) I wish the best for you both. Miss ya ~karen~

Anonymous said...

Congratulation!!! It's been forever since I have seen you but I am very happy for you. Ir is really fun to see your blog site. Good luck, you deserve it!!!
Kristie (B&N pal!!)