About Me

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Nashville, Tennessee, United States
I live in Nashville, but originally from NC. I love books, movies, shopping and dogs, to name a few. You'll find I'm not the best at keeping up with my blog, but I have good intentions! I like to share pictures and stories with anyone who feels like reading this.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

House on hold, Pittsburgh

We have decided to not buy a house right this minute, since we have some time to save more money, and Eric's not sure if his job will move him next year or the year after. We obviously don't want to buy a house and then have to move out of it right away. So for now, we are concentrating on wedding stuff. This past weekend, we went to Pittsburgh! I know that sounds random, but Eric had an invite from a co-worker to go to the Michigan State/Univ. of Pitt football game, so we drove up to save some money and stayed with Katie Lambeth! I hadn't seen her in forever, so it was a ton of fun. We went shopping while Eric went to the game and then we all went to the Pirates game that night against the Mets. That was fun, too. It was a lot of driving, but it was worth it. Unfortunately, I did not take any pictures, even though I had the camera with me. I'm stupid, what can I say. I was impressed with the oldness of the city and how beautiful old, historical things can be. I'm used to living in new cities, having grown up in Charlotte and now living in Nashville, so it was a neat experience. That's it for now. If anyone has any good wedding ideas, especially for decorating or flowers, please let me know!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

New job, date set, dress

Don't you love the title of this one? I am entirely too creative. I haven't written in a while, so since the last time I did, some things have happened! First of all, I got a new position at Cross Country. I will be moving up to the Program Development department, which is viewed as the "most important" department of the company, since they bring in the speakers and create new seminars. I am now a program and brochure editor, which means I'll be doing a bunch of different things, but will basically be doing something more along the lines of what I want to do. Lots of proofing! I've already technically taken that position, but haven't started doing anything yet, because I am training two new people in my old department. How fun! I think they'll do great, though, so I'm not too worried to leave that in their hands. Secondly, Eric and I have set a date for the wedding! Now the craziness begins! The date is April 14, 2007. So everyone put that on your calendars.......more to come on that. I also went shopping for wedding dresses this weekend with my mom, sister and friend Dawn. I found one I love and will probably go buy it today, so that is so exciting for me! I felt like a princess trying on dresses that were way too nice for me, it was great!=) My sister also tried on bridesmaids dresses, as Dawn is a little too pregnant to help out in that department, and I'm pretty sure I've decided on those, too. It's been a very productive weekend! I didn't have to do all that just yet, but I wanted my family and Dawn to be a part of all of it, and the next time I'll be in town will be Christmas, and I didn't want to wait that long! So if anyone wants to see pictures, I'll try to get them on the computer and I can email them to you, but I won't be posting them on here, or Eric will see! Hope everyone has a great Labor Day weekend!!!