About Me

My photo
Nashville, Tennessee, United States
I live in Nashville, but originally from NC. I love books, movies, shopping and dogs, to name a few. You'll find I'm not the best at keeping up with my blog, but I have good intentions! I like to share pictures and stories with anyone who feels like reading this.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

California pictures

As promised, here are some pictures from CA. There were 524 in all, so obviously these are not at all representative of our entire trip. Eric and I went to LA before the rest of the family got into town. We went to Disneyland, Universal Studios and a Spanish mission on our own and then went to the San Diego Zoo and Wild Animal Park when Mom, Dad and Sarah arrived. We also went to Eric's cousins for Thanksgiving outside of San Diego in Poway. I'm not sure what I'll include here, but if something is not self-explanatory, feel free to ask.=)

Friday, November 30, 2007

Clint's Wedding Pics

I saw some cute pictures from our wedding on my brother's facebook page and I stole them! HA! So here you go, enjoy! I will hopefully have some from our CA trip up here soon, but at the moment, they are on the home computer. I am so excited about Christmas! Maybe it's having Eric's and my first true Christmas TOGETHER, actually being able to spend the holiday together, decorating our house, etc. Our little tree is so cute! I'll post a picture of it, too. It's nothing fantabulous, but of course, we love it. And we have our Disney castle from our honeymoon out, too, I love it. Well hope everyone is enjoying the season!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Just for Fun

I'm just writing because I feel like it today! FYI, I now have an account on Myspace and Facebook, so for any pictures/updates that I may leave out on my blog, you can look there, too. This picture is of my new haircut, courtesy of Amanda (my friend who did my hair and makeup for the wedding as well), and I took this picture myself as I was driving. What can I say, defensive driver, right? HAHA Seriously, I think I was stopped when I took it, but I had all of a sudden remembered I was supposed to take a picture and send it to my mom, so I just did it right then! I'm crazy. Eric and I are about to go to Memphis this weekend and I'm finally taking him to Boone the weekend after that! I'm so excited and will definitely put some pictures on here after those trips take place. Then previous to and during Thanksgiving, we're going to California!!!! Both of us are already mentally there, so I'm sure I'll be talking about it for the next month! I'm so excited! Otherwise, things are normal for us, Eric travelling, both of us working a lot, doing things around the house. I need to put an updated pic of that on here, too. Basically, I need to get the camera out, don't I? I also need to take some pictures of me after losing 15 pounds, woo hoo! I wasn't too good last week with my eating and exercising, but hopefully I can lose a little more, but I'm holding even right now. But I'll take that!=) Ok, well hopefully talk to everyone soon, I miss so many of you!

Monday, September 10, 2007


First of all, here is the only picture Eric and I took in Detroit over July 4. This is at the zoo. I'll have to post some pictures of the donkey there, too, it was so funny! Many of you probably know about my fascination with donkeys, others not so much. I just think they are so cute and I pass 3 every day on my way to and from work. They make me smile! HAHA Anywho, on to the point of this post.................I have been dealing with a lot of change lately. I've started hanging out with a few different people than normal, which has been great, and not spending near as much time with others. I have a couple of friends who are pregnant, and one in particular is so different now. At first, everything was about her pregnancy. She would even cancel on me every single time we made plans, always having something to do with that. I have talked to her about how I feel like we're not even friends anymore, and she is making an effort, but it just opened my eyes to the inevitable: that life changes. And good for her, I'm very happy for her! I think part of it is that I got married a lot later than most of my friends and they've all already moved on to having kids. I'm just now getting to enjoy being married, and somehow feel behind. I'm not, and we're definitely not in any hurry to have children, but I just hate that your relationships with friends have to change because of things like that. I think the best time for friendship is high school and college, when you're all in the same lifestage and can relate to one another 100%. You have all the same issues and concerns. After that we all separate and go all kinds of different ways. You still have friends, but not at that same depth. You talk about more shallow things, or try really hard to put yourself in the other person's position, but when you've never been there yourself, it's difficult to do that. Of course, I've encountered the same thing on the other side of the spectrum. I have some single friends who think I can't relate to them because I'm now married. But hey, it wasn't that long ago that I wasn't and I can certainly relate to being lonely and ready to settle down. I'm blabbing on, but the moral of the story is just try to maintain your friendships, even if it's harder when you get older and everything starts changing. I hope all my friends know how much I care about them, wherever they are. Eric and I don't have too many good friends here, so we are very glad to have each other. He has been such a comfort to me lately when I've been upset about this. I thank the Lord every day that I have a husband and a friend all wrapped up in one. Ok, well quit reading this and go call someone you haven't talked to in a while!=)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

RUDE people

I am currently at work and just completely miffed by this speaker right now. We got his lead a long time ago and this girl who doesn't work anymore started asking him what subject he wanted to speak on, got his resume, etc., but never told him we definitely wanted to bring him on. He called me to follow up, so I took a look at his file and he is not licensed or certified. He does have a Ph.D., but it's in a field that doesn't really apply to what we do and we have certain qualifications you must meet, like being licensed or certified. Well he told me that was ridiculous because he's spoken for so many years for all these other companies and I said other companies have different qualifications. He emailed me again wanting my supervisor's phone number and asked me how long I'd been doing this. Hello, buddy! This is a job application and this is how you're talking to a potential employer?! I cannot believe that. So my supervisor, Jennifer, said she is going to have fun emailing him. He'll probably call her, too, but she said she's going to put him in his place. Makes me feel better, but people never cease to amaze me. This guy's from Michigan, too, so I really wanted to like him, but hey, not everyone from MI is cool, obviously. I am so worked up and need to calm down! Don't you wish you could just cuss somebody out, but you can't, because that's not "professional?" I hate having to be professional sometimes, HAHA. Whew! I feel better already now that I've vented.................

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


I'm so bad, not updating this.......no new pictures. What can I say? I got a promotion at work at the beginning of July, so that's been taking a lot of my time and then just doing stuff around the house, etc. Time seems to have been flying by! I do admit that I update my Myspace page a bit more than this. I had initially started this because I didn't want to do Myspace, but then I decided I wanted to try to find some friends from high school. So if you want a little more info on me or want to see a few more wedding pictures, you can go to www.myspace.com/aj51280. Or if you search by name, make sure you search by Amanda Williams, not Hazlegrove. Since I wrote last time, Eric and I went to Detroit over July 4th and that was a lot of fun. Hopefully my parents and possibly my sister are coming out here for Labor Day, so we'll have our first official houseguests! I'm really excited. In other news, I just have to share this story. We had a cat that was always hanging around the construction sites on our street. We both wanted to feed him, but we knew if we did, he would never leave, so we chose not to. Eric even said if we weren't allergic to cats, we could take him in, which cracks me up, because neither of us are really cat people. But it was black and white and so cute. Well I woke up Sunday morning and looked out in the backyard, and there was something black and white lying on the grass and a wild turkey was pecking at it. Yes, sure enough, the poor little cat chose to die in our backyard! It didn't look like it had been attacked or anything, so maybe it ate something toxic at one of the contruction sites. We had to pick it up and get rid of it since it was in our yard, which wasn't fun, but at least it hadn't been there a long time. We both were sad, though, that maybe we could've helped him and didn't, but I guess that's the nature of things, right? Anyway, just a little glimpse of our day-to-day lives lately, HA!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I'm the Woman!

I have been very horrible about posting on here lately, and I promise to soon get pictures up here from the wedding and honeymoon! I am attaching one of Eric and I in front of the castle at Magic Kingdom, but I'm afraid that's all I have for now. We've been very busy at home trying to get the house looking nice, and while Eric's been out of town, I've been trying to hang pictures and put flowers out, etc. I have to brag that I put together this 6 foot bookshelf yesterday all by myself. That may not sound like a big feat to anyone else, but it was much harder than you would think. It took Eric and I half of Saturday to figure out the first one (we have 3 altogether), so I never thought I'd be able to get the whole thing done alone. I'll have to post a picture of them when we've finished the third one. Well I promise to try and be better about writing. Hope everyone is well!

Thursday, April 26, 2007


Well, I can honestly say, I'm breathing easier these days, HAHA! The wedding went very well, a few snags here and there, but nothing that ruined the day or anything. It was wonderful to see old friends and family, and I wish I could have spent more time with them! I have only seen a few pictures from the wedding/reception, thanks to Kristen, so if you'd like to view them, check out http://www.enorivermusings.blogspot.com/. She's on the same blogger website as I am. Thanks, Kristen! Great pictures! Thanks to everyone who came and everyone who was so supportive throughout the engagement, etc. I can't believe it's over. But now the fun begins! Eric and I had a lot of fun at Disney World (pictures to come soon) and are now hard at work getting our house in order. We can't wait for everyone to visit! We have plenty of room for you! I'll post more pictures this weekend, so check back for more!

Thursday, March 29, 2007


15 days until the wedding and we close on our house tomorrow! Can you believe it? Eric and I are still pinching ourselves, and when a lot of you see the house, there won't be much in it, but we will be! We are so excited, we left this morning thinking, "it's so beautiful!" I'm definitely not trying to brag, just saying that it's still kind of crazy to think of us getting married and having our own house! Whew! We can't wait to show it to you all.........hopefully we can get some more pictures on here soon. See some of you in a couple weeks!=)

Thursday, March 15, 2007

More House Pictures

We went by the house again this morning and it's actually going to be ready to close on in the next several weeks. The cabinets go in today, so I didn't get any pictures of those, but here is the front of the house completely bricked minus the shutters, the front yard from the 2nd floor (they are digging the gas stuff today), the fireplace, the eat-in area in the kitchen and the bonus room windows. It's looking more and more like a house now! 29 days until the wedding, and Eric and I are very ready to be on the plane to Disney World! HAHA Thanks to everyone for their support through this engagement, it has been much appreciated! Can't wait to have everybody over to our new house!=)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Just thought I'd throw some pictures of Ollie up here. I like seeing him as much as I like seeing my parents when I go to Charlotte. He's going deaf, though, I don't know what we'll all do when he goes.=(=( He's such a good dog!

Friday, March 09, 2007

The Countdown Continues......36 days!!!!!

Just wanted to post some current pictures of the house (one is of the front and the other is the garage), it might be done before the wedding, yay! I had a shower last weekend, given by Dotsie, it was so much fun! I saw a lot of people I haven't seen in a long time and some dear friends as well. I love how weddings bring all kinds together! I'm driving up to Michigan with Eric's mom this weekend for another shower, so lots of driving lately! Hopefully I can get some pictures of both of those on here, too. Hope everyone is well and hope to see you all soon!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

52 Days........

.....to go before the wedding! Yay! It is approaching fast, which I am totally fine with. I've been working like a dog on invitations lately, so you should be receiving them soon. I have my bridal portraits this weekend, the following weekend is a shower in Charlotte and the weekend after that is a shower in Detroit. Whew! It does make it all seem real, though! This is our house right now......obviously the picture without the windows was taken about a week and a half ago, and about 3 days later, I took the one with the windows and door. They are hustling on it, so hopefully it will be done soon. I'll keep everyone updated! And excuse the images, they were taken with my cell phone, HAHA. Well hope to talk to everyone or see you soon!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Where does the time go?

I haven't written in forever! Considering my life right now, though, hopefully you'll forgive me.=) We did start building a house, but it's not very far along, so let's all pray we have a place to live once we get married! It will stink if it's not done by then. Mom and Dad came to visit me this weekend and we did lots of wedding stuff, it's coming up on us fast. I'm trying not to be stressed, since that's not good for someone who already has anxiety problems, but I figure this is just natural stress, right?=) About as natural as a wedding can be, I suppose. So many people have really been a big help or have been willing to help, and haven't had a chance to do so yet. But they will! Other than that, just work going on. I'll be doing some traveling to MI and NC for showers in early March, so I hope to see some of you then! And since I haven't written since my last blog, I am still trying to lose my medication weight.....I haven't been too serious about it until last week, though. I already feel better, but I doubt I'll lose as much as I want to before April. I'm trying! Well drop me a line or pick up the phone and call me if you get a chance. I'll try to post some pictures next time, I haven't been very good about taking any lately. Hope everyone has a good end of January!