About Me

My photo
Nashville, Tennessee, United States
I live in Nashville, but originally from NC. I love books, movies, shopping and dogs, to name a few. You'll find I'm not the best at keeping up with my blog, but I have good intentions! I like to share pictures and stories with anyone who feels like reading this.

Monday, December 11, 2006


Not much going on with me right now, as you can probably tell by how long it's been since I've posted anything. We're finally getting more into the wedding planning, so everyone who talks to me between now and beginning of January needs to hold me accountable for what I'm eating..........my fitting is Jan. 6th! If you talk to me, ask me what I've eaten that day, HAHA, maybe then I won't stuff my face. I gained 10 pounds on some medication I was taking while I was sick a couple months back, and it's not coming off very easily! I'm attaching some pictures where I think that's quite obvious.=) We're also trying to find a house again, even thinking of building, which if we did that, we have to get a move on! Only 4 months to go!! Richmond for Thanksgiving was a lot of fun, saw all the relatives I hadn't seen in a year, so that was good. I'm excited for Christmas to get here and hopefully my brother will be here for it this year. This might even be the last Christmas where it's just the 5 of us on Christmas morning. Next year could be more or less! Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and if you're in Charlotte from Dec. 21-26, call me!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Bridesmaid Dress

Thought you all might want to see what the bridesmaid dress looks like! I've had it picked out for a while, but finally found it online so I could get an electronic picture of it! Not much else going on, though, getting ready to go to Richmond for Thanskgiving, so maybe I can get some pictures on here of that. Fun times!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

And This is Final............

Ok, so here it is: we are still getting married in Nashville at Eric's church. Shocker!!!!!!!!!! Some of you know that we were pretty set on getting married at Disney World here lately. The stress of planning the wedding and trying to please everyone but ourselves had gotten to us and we wanted to just have family go with us and that be that. However, we didn't take into consideration the disappointment of those who really wanted to be there and wouldn't be able to. So with a lot of thought and quite a bit of opinions from others, we have decided to keep it at the church. We will still have it be as simple and cheap as possible, but we do want to be surrounded by those who love us and care about us and want to see us join together. So April 14th, Nashville................be here!!!!!! More to come on other plans, but wanted everyone to know! Love you all!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


This picture absolutely cracks me up! This is actually a partial of a family picture, and isn't Clint's expression priceless? Of course, mine isn't much better. Talking as always! I just thought it was kind of a funny picture and I like how Clint's the tallest, then Sarah, then me. Seems very obvious in this picture. This was over Labor Day weekend, which was the first time our entire immediate family had been together since last September, so a year! Craziness. I look forward to Christmas, when hopefully we'll all be there again. It's good to get to hang out with your brother and sister every once in a while! Not enough, but I'll take what I can get!

Friday, October 20, 2006

I'm Fine

Hey everyone, I know some of you are worried about me after my last blog. Just wanted to let you know everything is fine and some things have been put in perspective for me. Not sure what's going to happen with the wedding yet, it may be a small one, we may go away, but either way, it's because I just am already sick of planning things. I'd rather have get togethers in our home towns instead of a big reception no one can come to anyway. So stay tuned for what we decide......but I'm not going crazy and it will all work out. In other news......I finally moved out of my apartment with the disrespectful roommates and now live a friend from work and her husband until Eric and I get married. So far it's been a lot of fun and so much more relaxing! Hopefully everyone got my new address. I will write more soon!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Wedding Plans

Does anyone want to plan my wedding for me? I'm evidently not doing it the right way, and I'm going to end up in the crazy house if I continue............someone help!!!!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

House on hold, Pittsburgh

We have decided to not buy a house right this minute, since we have some time to save more money, and Eric's not sure if his job will move him next year or the year after. We obviously don't want to buy a house and then have to move out of it right away. So for now, we are concentrating on wedding stuff. This past weekend, we went to Pittsburgh! I know that sounds random, but Eric had an invite from a co-worker to go to the Michigan State/Univ. of Pitt football game, so we drove up to save some money and stayed with Katie Lambeth! I hadn't seen her in forever, so it was a ton of fun. We went shopping while Eric went to the game and then we all went to the Pirates game that night against the Mets. That was fun, too. It was a lot of driving, but it was worth it. Unfortunately, I did not take any pictures, even though I had the camera with me. I'm stupid, what can I say. I was impressed with the oldness of the city and how beautiful old, historical things can be. I'm used to living in new cities, having grown up in Charlotte and now living in Nashville, so it was a neat experience. That's it for now. If anyone has any good wedding ideas, especially for decorating or flowers, please let me know!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

New job, date set, dress

Don't you love the title of this one? I am entirely too creative. I haven't written in a while, so since the last time I did, some things have happened! First of all, I got a new position at Cross Country. I will be moving up to the Program Development department, which is viewed as the "most important" department of the company, since they bring in the speakers and create new seminars. I am now a program and brochure editor, which means I'll be doing a bunch of different things, but will basically be doing something more along the lines of what I want to do. Lots of proofing! I've already technically taken that position, but haven't started doing anything yet, because I am training two new people in my old department. How fun! I think they'll do great, though, so I'm not too worried to leave that in their hands. Secondly, Eric and I have set a date for the wedding! Now the craziness begins! The date is April 14, 2007. So everyone put that on your calendars.......more to come on that. I also went shopping for wedding dresses this weekend with my mom, sister and friend Dawn. I found one I love and will probably go buy it today, so that is so exciting for me! I felt like a princess trying on dresses that were way too nice for me, it was great!=) My sister also tried on bridesmaids dresses, as Dawn is a little too pregnant to help out in that department, and I'm pretty sure I've decided on those, too. It's been a very productive weekend! I didn't have to do all that just yet, but I wanted my family and Dawn to be a part of all of it, and the next time I'll be in town will be Christmas, and I didn't want to wait that long! So if anyone wants to see pictures, I'll try to get them on the computer and I can email them to you, but I won't be posting them on here, or Eric will see! Hope everyone has a great Labor Day weekend!!!

Thursday, August 24, 2006


God is teaching me a lot this morning. I tend to want to get everything together and planned out all at the same time, and not everyone is like that. I am trying to learn to take everything one step at a time. I need to be more patient, more loving, more understanding, more communicative, more sensitive and more unselfish. That's not too much to ask, is it?=) Well everyone can pray for me that I can be all those things and more with God's help. I can't do it on my own!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Houses and Pictures, Etc.

Here are some pictures from Chicago: one of me looking happier than I'm sure I was at the time in the heat, one of Eric looking very upset because they took his candy away from him (we went to the Hershey store and then they wouldn't let us take food into the festival), one from the ferris wheel that I took while Eric was trying to propose, and one of us they took before we got on it at Navy Pier. We didn't have any good ones of us after the fact, and our camera doesn't appear to want to take a clear picture of my ring, so everyone will just have to see it in person! Other than that, we still haven't made any wedding plans yet, but we'll be setting the date soon and I'll update everyone. We've been looking at houses, which has been a blast, and we're actually thinking about making an offer on one we really love. It's kind of out of the way, south of where I live now, which is already south of everything else in the city. So we'll see. Not much else to report at the moment. My parents just sold their house and I'll be helping pack while I'm home for Labor Day, but if anyone wants to get together, I'll be in Charlotte! I'll probably drive there on Friday and leave Tuesday.

Thursday, August 10, 2006


Well, the girl I was talking about 2 posts ago finally got fired, yay!!!! We will be shorthanded for a while and that might make us a bit crazed, but it's better than having to fix someone's mistakes, right? It took a lot of effort and documentation to get her out of here, but at least they listened to us. Maybe it's not so bad here after all. I am attaching some pictures from Lolla......I don't have all of them yet, but these are just a few of us. The ones on the Ferris Wheel looked horrible, so I will scan in the one they took of us before we got on it. More to come........these are after 3 days in the sun, so if I look a little red to you, you're not imagining it. I was burnt and very hot!!!! Forgive my brother for being shirtless, but that's his style as often as he can get away with it. I hadn't seen him in 10 months!! And the one of me was self-taken, thank you very much.=) Well enjoy and I'll be posting more in the next week or so. Thank you to everyone who gave us their congratulations. We're so excited!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

We're Engaged!!!!!

Anyone who knows me knows I've been waiting for this day for quite a while! I first of all would like to say I sincerely apologize for not being able to tell everyone this over the phone or in person, but that takes a lot of time I unfortunately do not have. So if this is new news to you, I am sorry I didn't call you to tell you personally.=(=( Eric and I went to Chicago this weekend for Lollapalooza and also got to see my brother, who should be getting his orders any day now. Lollapalooza was about 3 times bigger than it was last year, felt like Woodstock or something, so we didn't spend all day every day there...........that would have made us insane!!! We did a few museums and the Sears Tower, etc. to get a break from all that and to do some touristy stuff. Saturday we walked to the Navy Pier, which is a really cool place and Eric proposed on the Ferris Wheel. I was of course trying to take pictures and not paying attention, so when I looked over at him, he was down on one knee (this wasn't a rickety ferris wheel or anything, it was a sturdy cart, so don't worry), LOL, with the ring in his hand. He had been carrying it around all day in his pocket!! I just said "what are you doing?" because I didn't see the ring at first and then I just squealed and hugged him. It took me a while to say yes, HAHA, but I did! And then I cried a little bit once it sank in. I had no idea that was coming, so it was a very nice surprise! The wedding will be in the Spring sometime, but no date yet, no plans yet. Just enjoying the moment right now. Thought you'd all like to know and I'll do another post with some pictures from this past weekend once we get them on the computer. Love all you guys and talk soon!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Scrapbooking and Stupid Jobs

I have been told I start all my blogs the same way. So today I am not doing that! It's been a while, and I'm getting ready to go to Chicago, yay!!!!, so it will probably be a while before I write again. Today I would like to address 2 very different subjects. First of all, I have discovered scrapbooking. Maybe this means I'm getting older, who knows, but I love it! A friend from work, her sister and I get together every Monday, make a mess of all our stuff all over the table, and have so much fun! Of course, my attempts at being artsy and crafty are meager at best, but the love that's going into it will make it look alright! (that's what I tell myself) On a different note, why is it that employers don't fire people they should and fire the people who probably didn't really do much??!!! There is a girl in my department who is totally incompetent, has been working with us for 7 months and doesn't know anything she didn't know before. She is lazy and doesn't even try to learn anything. I thought for sure after we finally got the guts to tell on her for all the stuff she does (or doesn't do), she'd be out of there, but no, they put her on probation! We'll see how that goes, but I think it's time to start looking elsewhere. A company that cannot see when someone needs to go is not a company I want to work for. So to sum up: scrapbooking is fun and work is not. HAHA

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


So I was talking this morning about the Predators (Nashville hockey team) with my friend Amanda at work. We were talking about who got traded and who would be playing what position and who the new captain would be. It struck me as absolutely hilarious that two women were having this conversation (especially since all the other women in the room were looking at us like we were crazy). I have become quite the avid sports fan since I started dating Eric. I always liked basketball and soccer, but I've become more knowledgeable about other sports and I really enjoy watching them and going to games now!!! I'm including two pictures of Eric and I, one at a Predators game and one at the Bobcats arena, when they played the Pistons. The one of Sarah and I is that same night, and I just like that picture. You can all see my beautiful grown up sister if you haven't seen her in a while. If anyone wants to talk sports, call me up! I'm not too thrilled about football, though, so try to leave that one out!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Ok, so I've read a lot of books lately and felt like sharing, in case anyone wants any recommendations. I get books all the time from co-workers to read, so not all of these are in my typical genre. I read the Charm School, by Nelson DeMille, which was quite interesting. All about the KGB and Russia and the military.......took me a while to get through, but it was really interesting. Of course read Angels and Demons and the DaVinci Code, by Dan Brown, and I loved both of them! I would highly recommend them, especially the illustrated versions. It helps give you visuals of what he's talking about. I by no means believe it to be fact, but it's really interesting as well. Next I read Empire Falls, by Richard Russo. It's about a small town in I think Massachusetts, if I remember correctly. They made it into a movie for HBO, which I haven't seen, but it was a pretty original novel, considering what's been out lately. It's just about how everyone in the town relates to each other and how everyone is impacted by one another and as much as it sounds like it could be really boring, I promise it's not. I loved it! Next was the Devil Wears Prada, a girly, fun read that I had to read before the movie came out. I indulged in some chick lit and it was so funny! Definitely read that one. Oh somewhere in there, too, I read In Cold Blood, by Truman Capote, very interesting. I had never read it for school, and it took me a while to get through that one as well, but as someone who enjoys criminal tv shows.....this was a great book that looked at the criminal mind and the victims. Really great. Then I read the Wonder Spot, by Melissa Bank, she also wrote the Girl's Guide to Hunting and Fishing. It was good, kind of an all over the place book about an average girl who doesn't know what she wants to be and feels defined by everyone else in her life, not by who she wants to be. A little on the chick lit side, too, but I higly recommend this one. I am currently reading A Million Little Pieces, the controversial James Frey "memoir," which turned out to not be a memoir at all, but I'm reading it like it's fiction. I find it fascinating and very different from what I normally read. Don't know what will be next, but someone at work recommended the Kite Runner. Anyone read that? Sorry so long, but what can I say? I love to read!=)

Monday, July 10, 2006

Vegas, Baby, Vegas!

Ok, so I've been MIA for a week or so......went to Detroit with Eric. Tons of fun! No pics from that as of yet, so I will continue with another trip from the past couple of months. Eric had to go to Vegas for work in May over my birthday week, so I got to go with him as my present. It was so much fun!!! We went to pretty much every casino, just to check out what they looked like, etc. I didn't do a bit of gambling, but Eric lost a little money (which is what always happens when either of us gamble). I'm putting a picture of the strip, taken by yours truly, a picture of the Paris casino at night (I loved that one!) and of me taken in front of the Mirage, which we actually didn't go into. I really liked the Luxor (the Egyptian themed one) and Circus Circus, which was very juvenile, but fun! The Bellagio was by far the nicest and I loved the fountains out front! I'd recommend going to anyone at least once, just to see it, but I'm by no means a fan of going all the time or of the sketchy shows they seem to have there. I just really liked the themes and the feel of the place. Somewhere to see once in your lifetime. We also flew over the Grand Canyon and maybe next time I'll actually go there and maybe the Hoover Dam, too. In early May, it was low 90's and no humidity, so it wasn't too bad yet. You wouldn't want to go now!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Ok, so this post is all about Maryland. I have all these pictures I want to share, so I'll do a couple posts about the places I've been lately. Eric and I met up with my parents and sister in Baltimore over Memorial Day to see my mom's side of the family. Mom and Dad have some good family pictures, but of course, I had to share the random ones. The first picture is very ridiculous, according to my mother and Eric, who were quick to point out my bangs blowing straight up in the wind. How dumb do I look? Oh well, just thought everyone would get a kick out of that. And please note my sister's lovely headband thingy..........she spent all day messing with that thing, HAHA. The second is of the coolest Barnes and Noble I've ever seen, and you know me, I've been in quite a few. This was an old power plant, so they actually only use the first 2 stories for the bookstore. This is the Inner Harbor, by the way. And last, but not least, Eric had his first true eating crabs experience, which was a blast! It's a serious process to eat an entire crab, using hammers and everything, and is so much fun! I'm anxious to go back just for some more of those! I'll write more soon about other trips, but this one was so much fun. The only thing missing was my dear brother.=( Until next time!

Monday, June 26, 2006

New Week

So I'm attempting to start a blog, even though the only writing like this I've ever done has been in a private journal, which I just don't have time for anymore. I figured this would be an easy way for everyone to keep up with me (if they so desire). I've been having a tough time lately with my current roommate situation and with work stressing me out, so this past weekend was such a break from that! We saw Nacho Libre, which was very random, and very funny. Just what I needed! We also went to Memphis (did the Zoo and ate some ribs and just walked around) with Glen and Tracy and had a blast there. I'll attempt to attach a picture or two of that, although as I joked with Eric, we're very bad at taking pictures of people when we go to the zoo. In other words, we don't. We only take pictures of the animals, LOL. I could seriously make a scrapbook of zoo animals between the pics from last time and from this one. It is an awesome zoo, though, and I recommend it to everyone! The pandas are my favorite. Well, I promise to be more interesting next time, but just thought I'd introduce my new blog with some fun animals and some random thoughts!